Friday, January 20, 2023

7 Ways to Reduce Azure Costs

Listed below are 7 ways to reduce your Azure monthly cost.

1. Shut down unused resources

Use Azure Advisor to identify idle virtual machines (VMs), ExpressRoute circuits, and other unused resources.

2. Right-size underused resources

Find resources not fully utilized with Azure Advisor.  It will also provide recommendations on reconfiguring resources to reduce cost.

3. Reserve instances for consistent workloads

Use reservation pricing to pre-pay for resources for a 1 or 3 year term.  This could result in a discount of up to 72% over pay-as-you-go pricing on Azure services.

Take advantage of the Azure Hybrid Benefit

Have existing on-premises software licenses?  Use them with Azure for no additional cost and select Azure services for free.

5. Configure autoscaling

Avoid the high cost of hardware investment used only during peak times of the year.  Instead, dynamically allocate and de-allocate resources to match your business needs when you need it.

6. Set up budgets and allocate costs to teams and projects

Use Microsoft Cost Management to create and manage budgets of Azure services used, and monitor your organization’s cloud spending.

7. Choose the right Azure compute service

Azure offers a variety of resources, with varying degrees of management.  Depending on the level of resource management you choose, the monthly spend can be reduced significantly. Use the following diagrams to identify the various resources and management needs.



Diagram Reference:







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