On October 28, 2021, Jeff Fritz (Microsoft) presented “What’s new in .Net 6” to the Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group.
A recording of that presentation is now available here on my YouTube Channel.
Listed below is a brief summary of the key points from that presentation.
- Program.cs and startup.cs are the starting point files for all .Net applications
- Program.cs no longer needs namespace and ‘Program’ class declaration. All of that is now implied
- Read-only records can now be created in C#.
- “global using whatsNewinCSharp10;” can be specified in 1 file and it will apply to entire application
- <ImplicitUsings>enable in ,CSPROJ will bring in namespaces need for the project’
- Generated global using statements will be inserted in *.g.cs
- ‘namespace whatsNewinCSharp10;’ without {} can be used at the top of the file
- String interpolation is now available in constants (public const string myDateTime = $”{System.DateTime.Now.ToString()}”; )
- 40-60% performance improvement in Blazor
- Blazor apps to run as native apps
- <PageTitle> and <HeadContent> can now be specified for each page
- Ports in the URL are now randomly generated, no longer using Port 5000
.Net Release and LTS (Long Term Support) Schedule
- Upgrade Assistant: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/upgrade-assistant
- Themes of .Net: https://themesof.net/
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor Native Interop with SkiaSharp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVWQkpcVEWQ
- Brotli: https://www.brotli.org/ - Brotli is a compression algorithm for lossless compression of DLLs in Blazor, helping to increasing performance.